Jonelle Massey is passionate about changing the lives of our young people, and even more passionate about empowering leaders, educators, and direct service providers who are on the front lines impacting the next generation.

Prior to launching her own counseling group practice in 2023, Jonelle worked over 20 years as a national board certified school counselor and licensed mental health therapist. She continues to offer interactive professional learning series in both public and private, primary and secondary educational settings.

As a former Division I athletic scholarship recipient with Xavier University’s women’s basketball program, Jonelle shares her passion for teaching effective teamwork, motivation, and resilience through an empathetic framework. Her strength in leadership is also evident in her professional development lectures that cover mental wellness first aid, emotional agility, empathy, and a variety of social emotional learning topics. 

In spring 2021, Jonelle published her first book, part memoir, part self-help, “The Miseducation of Empathy”. Her writing dismantles traditional ideas about how we should be practicing empathy in our work cultures and in service to others by "keeping ourselves in our own shoes" in order to create a space for others to be heard.

Jonelle has several years of athletic head coaching experience at the High School and Junior College level. She volunteers as a small business mentor, board member for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, and a founding member of Her Hub, a Toledo women’s business network organization of 300+ members. A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Jonelle resides in Toledo, Ohio with her husband, Jeff and two daughters, Aubrey and Kayla.

Connect with Jonelle on Linked-In.