Discover Instruction

We visit individual schools, meeting with principals, teacher-leaders, and faculty members, and tailor our services to the individual needs of the school.



Our instruction solutions include transforming traditional curriculum and assessment into Power Standards, a brief and focused set of student academic expectations, supported by performance tasks, scoring rubrics, and exemplary student work samples. In addition, we coach collaborative teams of teachers, often within the context of a professional learning community. With federal Title programs and well-intentioned grants, schools are drowning in initiatives and programs, few of which are implemented deeply. We represent focus, not fragmentation. We help teachers save time by focusing on the most essential elements of the curriculum, as well as improve student achievement by focusing on mastery of the essentials, Power Standards.


Video Series


How Teachers and Leaders Influence Student Learning

Learn how leaders and teachers influence student achievement by Dr. Douglas Reeves. You can change curriculum, assessment, and technology; teachers need time. Limit choices now for more choices in a students' lifetime. Focus on six or fewer priorities for drastically better gains. Additionally, strengthen efficacy by asking what causes student achievement?


Creativity & Originality

Dr. Douglas Reeves offers a series focused on aspiring creativity and innovation in K-12. The series addresses such topics as assessing with the use of rubrics, encouraging creativity, and standards of excellence.