Discover The Power Standards

Creative Leadership Solutions support districts, schools, teachers, leaders, and communities focus efforts on what matters most. We recommend focusing on fewer than six initiatives at the district and/or school level. Impact Insight is a process that identifies what initiatives have the most impact on teaching and learning. The Power Standards process enables practitioners to identify what will and will not be priorities, what we will and will not focus on. The Power Standards series focuses on the importance of a coherent and consistent curriculum based upon an agreed upon subset of essential concepts and skills all students are expected to master. Educators always learn the research of the effective practice, apply the appropriate process, and commit to a short- and long-term action plan that includes implementation strategies to ensure fidelity of focus areas.


Implementation Audit

We see all the time that educational systems spend millions of dollars and countless hours on interventions, without knowing the degree to which these efforts influence student results, and other key systemic indicators. Without Impact Insight services, school systems risk wasting precious funds and time on fragmentary and ineffective efforts. 


Our Method

Working closely with system leadership and teacher leaders, we identify existing instructional and leadership efforts and focus on the criteria that are most important to the client. This means that we never take a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather create indicators for success in collaboration with the district. Our data sources include direct observation, interviews, surveys, and document reviews. 

The Results

Our completed Impact Insight™️ report includes the following:

  • Permanent observation instruments that can be used by administrators and teachers in order to continue progress on a sustainable basis.

  • Detailed report for each instructional and leadership effort, providing reports for the system as a whole and for each school.  If the district requests, the identity of the individual schools can remain confidential.  No individual teachers or administrators will be identified and all participants in interviews and surveys are guaranteed confidentiality.

  • Planning progress guide, with specific recommendations for building on successes, improving focus, reducing distractions and ineffective expenditures of money and time, and directly addressing the greatest challenges in the district.

  • Follow-up and Support:  Each Impact Insight™️ contract includes a year of follow-up services, including one-to-one executive coaching for administrators and teacher-leaders, four Webinars on topics selected by the client, and a follow-up survey to determine progress from the baseline data gathered in the original analysis.